Address: 534 Broadhollow Rd Ste 305, Melville, NY 11747
Our customer service representatives work tirelessly to ensure that your experience at LuLu Rose Couture is everything you could've hoped for.
Unfortunately, we understand mistakes happen and not everything will always be perfect. So, if you provide the information below along with a message describing your situation, our support staff will be in touch will you within the next 24 hours. You can also reach out to using the information provided above.
Please note that our customer service team works 9:30AM-5:30PM EST on weekdays only.
To track your order, please CLICK HERE to create an account using the email you ordered with and you'll be able to see your tracking and order status instantly online.
If you are not able to create an account, you can email us using the form below, please allow 24 hours for a response.